What is HRM and its functions?


Human Resource Management (HRM) is concerned with all aspects of how people are employed and managed in organizations. The term HRM has largely taken over from that of personnel management, which took over from previous terminology including labour or welfare management. In the 1980s, against the economical recession and increased pressures on firms because of globalization and the accelerated change brought by technological developments, a number of companies began to think about people in organizations from a different perspective. A combination of this thinking evolved into what became known as human resource management.

The Importance of a Human Resources Department in an Organization.

Human resource management (HRM) is a strategic, integrated and coherent approach to the employment, development and well-being of the people working in organizations. (Armstrong, 2009) Human resource management is the process through which employees can be managed in a structured manner which consists the processes such as recruitment, selection, placement, induction, training and development, motivation, compensation, benefits, etc. It helps in increasing the productivity of the organization by efficient utilization of employees. It also helps in bringing up the performance of the employees. According to Davenport (2013) main objective of HRM is to recruit, develop and reserve best talent in the organization. However, HR department of a company is highly focused upon planning different strategies and practices so that the set goals can be accomplished easily. Manage the human resources significantly and value them in order to retain them for long term is vital for an organization. Human resource includes all the employees in decision making process so that they make strong relations with bottom line and grow the organization in an effective routine.

Functions of HRM.

Every organization operates targeting one vision which can be achieved by combination of certain strategies and execution of the same, which is done by the HR department. The following are the various HR processes done by HR departments. The efficient designing of these processes apart from other things depends upon the level of correspondence of each of these. This means that each process is connected to the other.

Human resource planning: Generally, we consider Human Resource Planning as the process of people forecasting and also involves the processes of Evaluation, Promotion and Layoff.
Recruitment: Is attracting particular applicants that match a certain Job criteria.
Selection: Aims at short listing candidates who are the nearest match in terms qualifications, expertise and potential for a certain job.
Hiring: Deciding the final candidate who gets the job.
Training and Development: Those processes that work on an employee onboard for his skills and abilities upgradation.

Armstrong, M., 2009. ARMSTRONG’S HANDBOOK OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PRACTICE. 11th ed. London and Philadelphia: Kogan Page Limited.
Davenport, T. H., 2013. Process innovation: reengineering work through information technology. Harvard Business Press.


  1. HRM explained in a very simply manner. HRM is not only to attract, train & reward. It is a more expandable view starting from the application process until employee exits from the organization. It is a duty of the organization to create an Employee Value Proposition (EVP) where people will recognize it as a great place to work. Good job Upendra.

  2. Nicely explained the interduction of HRM however the if we can include the he history and the how he strategy link with present organizational requirements, it's can be more valuble

  3. Good Report Upendra, i felt that you could have included some more learning of how it evolved HRM. Thanks .

    1. Thank you Achala. Yes I agree with you and I will try to fix it.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Good Explanation on importance of HRD and functions of the HRM.
    Well organized and effective HRD plays a major role in an organization for its success.

    Well Done and Good Luck..!!

  6. Simple but very helpfull article...keep it up.

  7. You have highlighted some good points under importance and functions of HRM .If you can focus more on page alignments and font types i would be more attractive. Appreciate your effort.

    1. Thank you Isuru and I will rectify the issues mentioned.

  8. Simple explanation to figure out the elements of HRM. Recruit, develop and to retain through implementing strategies, also we can consider the evaluation part to this process such as using of financial and non financial evaluation tool. Good work Upendra.

  9. Good job upendra, please make sure to follow harvard reference style. Normally, whatever the sources cited should be included in the reference list. In other words, only cited sources should be in the reference list. You have cited only Devenport... Not Armstrong...

    1. Thank you sir. I understand the mistake and I will fix it and will manage not to repeat in future posts.

  10. You have mentioned that the Human resource management includes all the employees in decision making process, I think it is a good point where employees would think that they are not just workers but they are part of the organization. Good job Upendra.

  11. nice report upendra Well explained and nice flow it's very clear and easy to get the idea.

  12. Dear Upendra. Good explanation about the HR & it's functioning. I think it's better to highlight the funtions by using Bolt the letters. Well done & good effort.

  13. Hi Upendra, had a good reading, though it simple but you have managed to highlight the functions nicely, like to suggest that if you can nurture your article with more data will be more valuable, wish you the best

    1. Thank you for the suggestion Manjula. I will make a difference next time

  14. Manage the human resources significantly and value them in order to retain them for long term is vital for an organization.Good Article !


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